wordplay at evensong

I had the opportunity to use my new altered book of prayer at an Evensong service at Christ Church a couple of nights ago. I realized that I have to add many more poems and fragments to pass the time; my handful of poems lasted all of five minutes. I must have read Hirsch’s “Sleepwalkers” poem a…

an affair with the moon

On occasion I can be found stepping into the frame of Sean’s photographs. He preps me with paint and costume, then leads me into his world. When we walk back out of the photograph, Sean scrubs me until I bear just a few flakes of paint as evidence of this other world; little badges of industry on my chest….

heron -priested, wordsplashed night

 Tonight Sean and I attended a poetry reading at the Blue Boar in Witney in honor of the centenary of Dylan Thomas. Nick Owen put together a great night and a great group of poets (Alan Wynne Davies, Tony Isaacs and his wife Barbara, Peter Malin, and Nick and his wife Gabrielle). The poetry was…

altered book of common prayer

 I’ve decided to create my own book of common prayer from a psalter my mother gave me when I was nine. It was hers when she was a child, in Hawaii, in the 50’s. I’m painting over everything I don’t believe in, and adding poems. I can believe in poetry.    (In these pictures you…

my christmas angel

The other day my love and I went on a hike in the forest to gather boughs of holly and assorted branches and charmed things, then brought them home and spun a wreath for our front door and decorated our tree with the extra foliage. We hung branches the color of old pennies from the ceiling, and…

my story, all four inches of it….

I’m remembering this day several months ago: the thrill of holding my first fiction manuscript in my hands, still hot and flexible from the printer’s deft bending, stretching, and cracking. I quote from an old blog post: “The printer massaged my manuscript as it slipped from the machine; a wonderful wave of petrissage rolling from top to bottom and…