our vow of silence psalter

I’ve posted about this before, and I’ll post about it again. I can’t help it. I just love our little book of silence and have to keep revisiting it.  This book was the only way Sean would agree to go on a date with me. He was terrified of meeting me. We didn’t even know…

sean applying lipstick for me

Sean was behind me applying my lipstick by looking into my iphone as a mirror as I took pictures. Then we switched and I painted his lips. I came across this little montage in my dropbox and loved the strange almost-symmetry of the shots. And of course it’s my birthday month, so I get to…

novice badassery

My daughter Akychame and I went on a great bike ride yesterday – almost 15 miles – we started at Blenheim Palace in Woodstock, where Sean dropped us off, and arrived (almost) in Chipping Norton feeling on top of the world, having sliced Oxford into Ox and -ford with our brute pedaling. You can see…

a user’s manual

I’m collecting quotes from this book (about building a country estate from the ground up) for a poem entitled The Building of Jalina, all about how to rebuild me when I’ve broken down, which is often.  The poem is a manual. It tells my partner, Sean, that I should be built in a forest of wild lupin, chicory,…