the weight of words

      Sean tied my manuscript with satin ribbon…I have a few manuscripts I need to get out into the world. The one above is my manuscript for Self-Portrait in Blind Tones – a collection of essays and prose. Here’s an excerpt of my lyrical essay ‘Prospecting,’ about finding gold everywhere, despite being in exile,…

obliviousness is bliss

My older daughter & I snapchat constantly. This one makes me giggle, it’s so ME. I’ve never worn a watch, and the calendar hanging in my kitchen still believes it’s August in February. I’ve engineered a life for myself that doesn’t involve time pieces – a life that allows me to do what I want,…

ghost tones

My mixed media pieces are always inspired by derelict, delicious Florentine walls –  shabby palimpsests tattooed with bruises and graffiti. I have a strange hobby – collecting chips of pigment that curl and crumble from buildings. I use a little make-up brush to sweep the colors into tiny containers so I can place them in…