Bound by an Infinity Scarf

I just found a beautiful old love letter from my husband Sean that expresses how I feel each time he visits me here in Florence and goes back to England again: “Each time you visit me all of my world tips a touch, tips to your touch, and I need to revise my charts and tap…

Flying pelvises & camera obscuras

The woman on the top of my book cover tumbles into sleep with a twist of the toy’s ribbon and soon she’s dreaming that there’s a demon on her thigh. When the paper coin spins, the woman becomes blurry and merges with an image of a little demon printed on the opposite side of the…

Rock paper scissors?

I’m very proud to dispel the myth of the rock, paper, scissors game. With my paper-cutting I go through about five to ten blades a day – all worn down and useless as butter knives through the sheer force of paper. So next time I play that game and someone throws two fingers in my…

My love in and out of a painting

While I’ve mostly been spending my time these past few months getting my editing business off the ground and putting in long hours on magazine articles and manuscripts, etc, I’ve found a little time to create mixed media paintings, which I love doing so much. The serendipity and messiness always bring surprises. You can see my…