Tangerine red balayage & phantasmia

A few months ago I wanted to try out balyage coloring on my hair. I’ve always gone for fire tones – tangerine and sunset. But…I can’t stand going to the hairdresser’s! I have a huge aversion to the small talk – and being stuck in a seat bombarded with small talk for hours on end…

Day 30

In which we discover mortar shot holes in our living room wall which used to be part of the medieval town wall… Our one month renovation anniversary was rewarded by the most curious discovery: musket shot holes! This was hiding beneath over a century of wallpaper and cement! The holes were filled with the cement…

Day 28

In which Sean constructs a table nook in the entranceway, we source a special chair & buy a new lamp Our sorry-looking entranceway when we first moved in almost a month ago…not at all welcoming! When we viewed the property on a rainy, dreary day in November, it made us think twice! I mean…an old…

Day 29

In which Sean discovers our entranceway was made in Italy, we find antique medicine containers in the attic, I expose a stone wall by the back door, and our neighbor gives us advice about treating possible woodworm in the rafters This is our entranceway today! But it’s a good thing because the tiles leading from…

Day 27

In which our neighbor teaches us how to treat our stone walls with medieval lime render In yet another instance of neighborly thoughtfulness, the man who lives next door invited us over for wine (a dry peppery Bordeaux) and when conversation turned to renovating our house, he said he and his friend – the master…

Day 27

In which our electricity is turned on, we have LIGHT 🌟 & our neighbors offer uncommon kindness… A lamp or two really makes our house feel like a home. Now we have water AND electricity. All we need at this point is broadband! We’re becoming insufferably civilized. I can’t begin to explain the uncommon kindness…