
Mhyana - Books


Interview in M.E. Walsh’s Creativity Series / October 2018


Private Eye article / November 2018 – An article about my detention and deportation from England- an event which is central to my memoir A Natural History of the Sky. 


“Walt Whitman would have saluted the fearless way Jalina’s poems make a kind of religion of the sensual. Informed by her ravenous reading, Jalina’s poems are deeply human.”

Amy Gerstler, National Book Critics Circle Award for Poetry winner

“Lovely, wild, and redolent…”

– Li-Young Lee, Guggenheim Fellow, American Book Award winner

Dreaming book

“One admires the high-spiritedness and Dionysian spirit that sings loudly in [Jalina’s] poems as well as the large-scale intellect that ranges over various cultures. Mhyana’s artistry is embodied in her ability to make infectious in the language, lines, and rhythms of the poems, a wild heart that is in love with herself and the world around her.”

– Major Jackson, Guggenheim Fellow; National Book Critics Circle Award for Poetry finalist; Poetry Editor, The Harvard Review

“Erudite and imaginative.”

– Mary Acton, Course Director of the Advanced Diploma in the History of Art, University of Oxford

Echo Borealis cover - front


– Timothy Liu, Poetry Society of America’s Norma Farber First Book Award winner

“Jalina’s are words that haunt; a voice that alternately stings, soothes, and surprises. Each poem is infused with a breathtaking exoticism, born no doubt of Jalina’s unique experiences living abroad. The talent in her work is powerful, resonant, and undeniable.”

– Theresa Boyar, author of Kitchen Witch

the wonder turner - final to print

“Jalina will bring you to your knees with her talent, her goodness, and her worldliness.”

– Laurie Kuntz, Texas Review Chapbook Contest winner

“Jalina has a true gift, a talent that is innate and enviable. Adding to her gift is her voracious curiosity and cosmopolitan experience… Jalina exhibits her lively imagination and international references without affectation. As a result, her poems are vivid, original, and worldly. Poetry is alive in Jalina.”

– Susan Kinsolving, National Book Critics Circle Award for Poetry finalist